Wednesday 19 December 2012

Garden Office Buildings

Not all of your living and working space has to be attached to your house. If you are one of the estimated 30% of the UK population who now works from home, a garden office may be great for your productivity. 

Balancing a busy work schedule alongside other aspects of life can be a tough task. Eliminating commuting times, stresses and expenses can have a huge impact on your productivity and also your life. Decreasing you carbon offset and allowing more quality time for you and your family makes for a happier, healthier lifestyle.

There are some fantastic buildings out there. I mean really incredible. Take this pod on the left here. They are made by OfficePOD, and are a self-contained pre-fab home office unit. It essentially pops up ready to go in your backyard, plug it in and your away. And with sleek features such as recessed lighting, integral desk, ventilation and heating its got everything you need in one box.

An OfficePOD can have you up and running in no time, with a modern workspace to call your own.
Another producer of garden offices on the market is Oeco. They produce a more substantial office building while keeping the process as simple as possible.

With building heights under 2.5m these garden offices can be placed close to boundaries without requiring planning. (unless in a special area.) They also offer Cedar cladding, PVC-u doors and windows and more. 

Another great option for an even more substantial and versatile outdoor office solution is a Lugarde Log Cabin. They have an extensive catalogue to choose from, from small buildings to giant multi-storey house structures. 

They use an interlocking system which is beautifully simple, and also elegant.

If you are going to have your own outdoor office - in which you will no doubt spend an awful lot of time - then don't be constrained by what's easy. Its your space, its your escape from the house, its your productivity that you are seeking to enhance.

Be creative, make it something original and something that will inspire you whenever you use it.


1 comment:

  1. Garden offices trend has already become hugely popular with growing numbers of home workers and entrepreneurs who need a dedicated workspace in their home.
